New Braunfels Property Management

The Vacation Rental Industry is changing fast, and the competition continues to tighten from everywhere.  Not only are more rentals saturating the market, but others, like the hotel industry are getting in on the typical vacation rental act.  At NB Leasing & Resorts, we constantly keep up with the industry trends and make changes in our marketing approach as needed to maximize homeowner bookings. We value our homeowners AND our guests and strive to be the best property and vacation rental management company in New Braunfels. Here are some of the things we are currently doing to maintain that goal:

Marketing on the OTA ChannelsE-Blasts Marketing 
Marketing Directly from Our Website  Hands-On Local Management 
  • Marketing on the OTA Channels
    Everyone has heard of VRBO, Homeaway, Airbnb, etc.  In the vacation industry, these are known as "third party marketing channels," or OTA's (online travel agencies).  I describe them as the "800 lb gorilla" in the industry, because they have an over-whelming presence and you cannot avoid them.  The trend is more people are using OTA's to book their vacation rentals.  Since last year we have listed all of our properties on Airbnb, but OTA's continue to be an important marketing source, so we are now, in addition to Airbnb, listing properties on Homeaway/VRBO,, Expedia and FlipKey/Trip Advisors. Along with Airbnb, these are the major players. We look forward to this being a big boost in bookings. We will be monitoring all the inquiries and the reservations coming in through these OTA's so that we can maintain our unique brand and customer service reputation but expand the visibility of properties. The objective is to boost overall bookings while still maintaining the vacation experience that brings guests back year after year.
  • E-Blasts Marketing
    One of the most effective forms of marketing in this industry is through email, and your best potential audiences are your past guests.  Over the years we have captured a large data base of past guest email addresses.  We have hired an online travel marketing firm to compile and send out Email Marketing E-Blasts promoting the destination and our owner’s properties. It's one more way New Braunfels Leasing & Resorts continues to cultivate and retain guests for our homeowners.
  • Marketing Directly from Our Website
    The best reservations are the ones that come directly to our website. These are the guests who find our website and either book directly online or they call us and we help them make their reservation. That is still the predominate method for filling the calendar. Interestingly, people are also using their mobile devices more to make their reservations. It is not unusual for someone to leave Houston or Dallas on a Friday morning and then make lodging reservations from their mobile device on the drive to New Braunfels. Therefore our website has to be configured so that it can be easily used from a mobile device. The task of keeping our website available and on the top of Search Engine rankings is a complicated and expensive process.  We have an outside specialist who keeps up with the Google Analytics every month, and keeps our site tuned through SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  We also pay for AdWords advertising from Google to enhance searches and traffic to the website.  This is all very technical and tedious stuff, and Google continually changes the rules and the criteria that it takes to maintain search rankings. Our staff and third party marketing partners monitor all of this to keep our search rankings on the front page for elevated results.
  • Hands-On Local Management 
    As a local vacation rental management company, one of the most valuable and behind the scenes service that we provide is that we are local, and we are available to trouble shoot and give prompt service to guests and properties. Our phones are always answered and we respond to the call and deal with the matter promptly.  That's just a small, but very important part of the service that NB Leasing & Resorts provides.
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